10 Steps Gold Package
In this foundation-setting course, participants will be
walked, step-by-step, through the 10 steps to create a trauma-informed,
resilience-focused school.
Presented by Dr. Caelan Soma, the course content focuses on
resilience and an emphasis on understanding how trauma impacts children and
their school experience. It provides proactive strategies such as fostering
connections, prioritizing social and emotional skills, establishing safety, and
promoting play. Detailed information and concrete actions are also covered, and
in a way that doesn’t just answer the “why” but also the “how” to create the
best classroom and school supports for traumatized students and the school
professionals who serve them. Later in the course, a strong focus on
understanding the link between a student’s private logic and their academic
achievement and behavior deficits in the Circle of Courage’s universal needs is
addressed, as well as how to assess students and create behavior support plans
for each. Strategies to collaborate with families and communities and to
support staff will be presented also, as well as examples of how to collect and
utilize outcome data.