I Feel Better Now! is a SITCAP® model, evidence-based group program for traumatized children ages 6-12 years old. The program provides psychoeducation about trauma and focuses on the various themes of trauma including safety, hurt, worry, fear, anger and moving from victim to survivor thinking. This program is included in SAMHSA’s National Registry of Evidence-Based Programs and Practices.
The program includes also included Starr’s booklets You Are Not Alone and What Parents Need to Know by William Steele.
Author: William Steele, Pamela Lemerand, Deanne Ginns-Gruenber, Caelan Soma
Pages: 181
ISBN: 1-931310-13-0
Publisher: Starr Commonwealth
Binding: 3-hole punched, shrink wrapped for easy access to individual pages/worksheets for duplicating to use with each client.