Certified Trauma & Resilience Coach in Education (CTRC-E) Course (SE116Z)
The Certified Trauma and Resilience Coach in Education
(CTRC-E) Course is a certification course for Certified Trauma and Resilience Specialists
in Education (CTRS-Es) to gain specific skills and tools that support the
implementation of trauma-informed, resilience-focused practices and strategies
within their schools and amongst their staff/peers. Starr CTRC-Es have a
fundamental understanding of the impact trauma and stress have on learning; the
social, emotional, and physical development of students; and the role
resilience plays in creating strength-based learning environments. With this
certification, CTRC-Es will learn skills for having impactful coaching relationships
and conversations, facilitating courageous feedback conversations, conducting
resilient, supportive observations, and supporting mastery of trauma-informed
best practices. Tools for modeling and co-teaching specific skills and
supporting mindset shifts will also be explored and shared. Credentialed
professionals will understand how to be a champion for trauma-informed,
resilience-focused practices within their school and/or district, coach peers
and student’s parents/guardians, and create a culture of safety and trust for
all to thrive. This certification is for anyone who wants to be instrumental in
the process of ensuring trauma-informed mindsets and practices take root in
their school or organization, with the ultimate goal of building resilience in
children, families, and their communities.