Are you familiar with the story about the frog in the box? The frog can easily jump out-until a lid is placed on top. Once the frog gets used to living in a box with a lid, it stays inside. Even when the lid is removed, the frog doesn’t try to jump out again.
When a baby is born, she lives free of boxes. By the time the child goes to school, she lives in a box with a lid on it. The box is called prejudice. Even when the lid is removed, the child has forgotten how to jump out to freedom.
In The Racial Conditioning of Our Children: Ending Psychological Genocide in Our Schools, Nathan Rutstein takes the lid off the box. He also shows educators and parents how to jump out, lift our children outside and throw the box awayl
This is a book than can change the lives of our children, the atmosphere of our schools, the killing of tender spirits, the very hearts of caring educators and parents the world over.
Author: Nathan Rutstein
Pages: 278
ISBN: 10: 0970386419
Publisher: National Resource Center for the Healing of Racism