Transforming PBIS with the Circle of Courage

Close your eyes for just a moment and picture this: a school where every staff and student steps into a world of warmth and possibility, feeling truly seen and ready to thrive—this is the magic that happens when we weave Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) with a trauma-informed approach. As educators and educational leaders, our role is pivotal in fostering resilience, connection, and strength. With this vision in mind, let’s explore how we can enhance PBIS to align more with the Circle of Courage philosophy, thus embracing a trauma-informed lens.

The Circle of Courage: A Beacon of Hope

At the heart of this approach is the Circle of Courage, a framework rooted in every child’s four universal needs: Belonging, Mastery, Independence, and Generosity. This philosophy provides a rich tapestry on which we can weave the principles of PBIS, transforming our schools into sanctuaries of support and growth.

PBIS and Trauma-Informed Care: A Natural Harmony

Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) already incorporates elements that resonate with trauma-informed practices. PBIS emphasizes creating a safe and predictable environment, which aligns seamlessly with the need for Belonging. By establishing clear expectations and consistent routines, PBIS nurtures a sense of safety, a cornerstone for all children, especially any child who has faced trauma.

Furthermore, PBIS’s focus on teaching and reinforcing positive behaviors dovetails with the Circle of Courage’s emphasis on Mastery. When we teach students the skills they need to succeed, we’re not just imparting knowledge but fostering resilience and confidence.

Strategies to Enhance PBIS with a Trauma-Informed Lens

While PBIS is inherently supportive, there are several strategies we can adopt to make it even more aligned with the Circle of Courage, thus enhancing its trauma-informed nature:

1. Cultivate a Deep Sense of Belonging

The cornerstone of a trauma-informed PBIS approach is creating an environment where every student feels genuinely welcomed and valued. This means going beyond superficial gestures and embedding belonging into the fabric of daily interactions. Celebrate individual and collective achievements, create inclusive spaces where every voice is heard, and engage families as partners in this journey.

→ Inspiration to Ignite: Consider implementing “Belonging Circles,” where students and staff share stories and celebrate one another’s contributions. These moments not only build relationships but also reinforce that every member of the school community has a unique place and purpose.

2. Foster Mastery through Strengths-Based Feedback

Trauma-informed PBIS should focus on recognizing and building upon each student’s strengths. Implement a feedback system that highlights what students are doing well and provides opportunities for them to demonstrate their talents. Rather than merely correcting misbehavior, offer constructive guidance that empowers students to grow and achieve mastery in various areas.

→ Inspiration to Ignite: In practice, this could look like using “Strengths Spotlights,” where teachers regularly acknowledge and showcase student strengths in the classroom. This not only boosts individual confidence but also reinforces the notion that everyone has valuable contributions to make. (Hint: staff can also do this to acknowledge one another!)

3. Encourage Independence with Compassion

Independence is a vital component of the Circle of Courage, but it must be approached with sensitivity, particularly for students who have experienced trauma. Provide opportunities for students to make choices and take responsibility in a supportive environment. Empower them to set personal goals and reflect on their progress, while offering a safety net of support and encouragement.

→ Inspiration to Ignite: Implement “Choice Boards” in your classroom where students can select activities or projects that align with their interests and strengths. This approach fosters a sense of agency and self-direction while maintaining a supportive framework.

4. Promote Generosity through Community Building

Generosity, the final element of the Circle of Courage, can be deeply interwoven with PBIS by creating opportunities for students to engage in acts of kindness and service. Encourage collaborative projects, peer mentoring, and community service initiatives that allow students to give back and make a positive impact.

→ Inspiration to Ignite: Organize “Generosity Days” where students participate in acts of kindness within the school or the broader community. These experiences not only build empathy but also reinforce the value of contributing to the well-being of others.

5. Creating a Culture of Resilience

By enhancing PBIS with a trauma-informed lens, we’re not just improving a system but nurturing a culture of resilience, strength, and hope. Every interaction, every strategy, and every practice becomes a stepping stone towards building a more supportive and empowering environment for our students.

As educators and leaders, let us embrace this journey with open hearts and unwavering commitment. Let us infuse our PBIS practices with the warmth of compassion, the clarity of purpose, and the strength of resilience. Together, we can create a thriving educational ecosystem where every student feels they truly belong, can master their challenges, and are empowered to make a difference.

Circle of Courage

Five Ways to Foster Resilience

As professionals dedicated to working with youth, we are entrusted with a profound responsibility and a unique privilege: to shape and influence the lives of the young people we encounter. The most critical protective factor for increasing a child’s resilience is ensuring they believe they have at least one adult who loves them irrationally and unconditionally. This can be achieved by authentically connecting with children in a way that feels natural to them.

Every interaction with a child is an opportunity to foster resilience, build trust, and nurture a sense of belonging. Through the Circle of Courage principles and a trauma-informed approach, we can ensure that every child feels loved, valued, and cared for, exactly as they are and who they hope to be.

The Circle of Courage: A Foundation for Resilience

The Circle of Courage outlines four essential components that contribute to a child’s sense of belonging and overall well-being: Belonging, Mastery, Independence, and Generosity. Integrating these principles into our daily interactions creates an environment where children can thrive, even in adversity.

1. Belonging: Cultivating Connections and Community

The cornerstone of resilience is a strong sense of belonging. Children need to feel that they are part of a community that values and accepts them. As professionals, we can foster this by:

  • Proactively Responding to Bids for Attention: Children often fulfill their need for attention through their behavior, whether it’s positive or negative. By recognizing and responding to these bids in real-time, we affirm their worth and show them that they are seen and heard. A smile, a kind word, or a moment of undivided attention can make a world of difference.
  • Creating Inclusive Environments: Ensure that every child feels welcomed and included. Celebrate diversity and make a conscious effort to understand each child’s unique background and experiences. This helps build a community where every child feels they belong.

2. Mastery: Encouraging Growth and Achievement

Children need opportunities to learn, grow, and achieve. When we help them build skills and celebrate their successes, we empower them to take on new challenges confidently.

  • Setting Achievable Goals: Work alongside children to set realistic and attainable goals. Celebrate their progress, no matter how small, and provide positive reinforcement to encourage continued effort and persistence.
  • Offering Support and Resources: Provide the tools and resources children need to succeed. This might include tutoring, mentorship, or access to extracurricular activities that align with their interests and talents.

3. Independence: Empowering Self-Agency and Choice

Children need to feel that they have control over their lives and the ability to make choices. By fostering independence, we help them develop a sense of responsibility and self-efficacy.

  • Encouraging Decision-Making: Involve children in decisions that affect them. This can be as simple as allowing them to choose their activities or as significant as involving them in developing their own support plans.
  • Respecting Individuality: Recognize and honor each child’s unique strengths, interests, and needs. Encourage them to explore their passions and support them in pursuing their own paths.

4. Generosity: Instilling a Sense of Purpose and Connection

Helping children understand the value of giving back and contributing to their community fosters a sense of purpose and connection.

  • Modeling Generosity: Show children what it means to be generous through your own actions. Volunteer together, engage in community service or random acts of kindness, and discuss the importance of helping others.
  • Creating Opportunities for Contribution: Provide children with opportunities to contribute to their community through small acts of kindness or larger community projects. This helps them see their potential to make a positive impact.

Joyful Engagement: The Heart of Trauma-Informed Care

A resilience-focused approach requires us to meet each child with empathy, patience, and joy. By embracing every interaction as an opportunity to uplift and support, we can transform the lives of the children we serve. Here are some practical ways to infuse joy and care into our daily interactions:

  • Be Present: Give children your full attention. Listen actively and show genuine interest in their thoughts and feelings.
  • Celebrate Uniqueness: Acknowledge and celebrate what makes each child unique. Encourage them to express themselves and validate their experiences.
  • Foster Positive Relationships: Build strong, trusting relationships with the children you work with. Show them that they can rely on you for support and guidance.
  • Maintain a Positive Outlook: Approach challenges with a positive attitude and a problem-solving mindset. Be the calm that helps children see obstacles as opportunities for growth and learning.
  • Authentic Connection: Make every effort to connect with each child in a manner that resonates with them. Understand their language, their interests, and their needs. Show them that your care and love are unwavering and unconditional.

By incorporating these practices into our work, we can create environments where children feel safe, valued, and empowered. Every interaction is a chance to build resilience, and by embracing this opportunity, we can make a lasting impact on the lives of the young people we serve. Let’s commit to making every moment count, nurturing resilience, and ensuring every child knows they are loved and cared for exactly as they are.

School readiness and success: Are you meeting basic needs?

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs and the Circle of Courage model of Resilience

Conversations and curriculums to promote school readiness in early childhood programs tend to focus on cognitive development, academics, concentration, and focus. In many cases, the priority must be basic needs. For children to be successful in school, they need to be well-fed, sleep well, feel safe at home, and have confidence in themselves. Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs is a popular theory, which focuses on a series of needs to be successful.  He considered five needs – physiological, safety, love, esteem, and self-actualization- and put them in a pyramid. A person reaches their fullest potential, beginning with the foundational aspects of the basic needs – physiological and safety – and only when those needs are met does a person eventually reach self-actualization.   

The Circle of Courage, a model of resilience, suggests there are four universal needs for all human beings. These fit within the framework of Maslow’s Hierarchy and include belonging, mastery, independence, and generosity.

Both are helpful reminders that all learners are less likely to succeed if their basic needs are unmet. And for many children experiencing too much stress and trauma, their needs are not met.  The hierarchy of needs can help identify gaps; for example, breakfast might need to be provided for children who come to school hungry.

Considerations and Suggestions for meeting needs in early childhood centers

If you go through the details of the needs, this may become clearer in the context of children who are experiencing stress and trauma and what they need most to have a successful school experience.

Physiological needs include proper nutrition and water, access to fresh air, and enough rest, exercise, and warmth. Trauma-informed considerations include:

Is the child eating enough nutritious food?
What is the child’s sleep schedule?
Does the child have shoes that fit correctly?

Suggestions to meet physiological needs:

  • Snacks, free and reduced breakfast, and lunch options.
  • Available drinking water, working drinking fountains, and extra water bottles for those who need them.
  • Extra clothes, coats, hats, and mittens for accidents and playing outside in colder weather.
  • Nap or rest time.
  • Plentiful undirected play and exploration.

Safety needs are about security and feeling safe – physically and emotionally, as well as the need to have shelter/home and stability in one’s life. Trauma-informed considerations include:

Does the child know what to expect?
Do they have a predictable routine?
Is support provided when the child is learning a new skill?

Suggestions to meet the need of safety:

  • Rules – many verbal reminders and visuals posted.
  • Expectations – consistent and follow through.
  • Support during transition times.
  • Feedback and support with everything.

Belongingness and love have to do with others, the social side of feeling that you belong, are connected, loved, and included. Trauma-informed considerations:

Does the child have friends?
Is the child securely attached to at least one caring adult?
Have adults modeled how to share and take turns?

Suggestions to support meeting the need for belonging and love:

  • Cooperation experiences with ample support.
  • Opportunities to take turns and share toys and supplies.
  • Plentiful social and playtime with other children.

Esteem, Mastery, and Independence concern the inner self – having feelings of achievement, being recognized, having power over one’s life, and being a unique person with strengths and talents. Trauma-informed considerations:

Does the child have someone who pays attention to their achievements?
How often does the child receive compliments?
What is the child good at doing?
Does the child have access to co-regulation with a caring adult?

Suggestions for meeting the needs of esteem, mastery, and independence:

  • Notice children – often smile, wink, fist bump, and say their names.
  • Compliments from adults and peers.
  • Laughter and smiles galore.
  • Practice and support with emotional awareness and regulation.

Self-actualization and Generosity involve achieving one’s full potential, being creative, and finding that specialness of oneself. Trauma-informed considerations:

Does the child have access to a safe area to play with supervision?
Has the child ever completed a chore such as putting away toys in a box?
Does the child show empathy for others?

Suggestions to meet the needs of self-actualization and generosity:

  • Free play and exploration.
  • Opportunities to help one another.
  • Age-appropriate classroom jobs.
  • Service learning – making pictures/cards for hospitals.

Find more resources for supporting kids in early childhood care here.

Circle of Courage

Looking through a Circle of Courage Lens: Why the “other kids” are not the “other kids”

It is bound to happen. In a school, a daycare, a sports practice – maybe even in the middle of a religious service. A child – of any age – will misbehave, perhaps melt down, and even experience a crisis because, for any number of reasons, they cannot manage their overwhelming feelings. Their reactions in these moments can be intense, scary, aggressive, or destructive.  Trauma-informed, resilience-focused adults can help support and regulate a child when this happens, using de-escalation and co-regulation tools and strategies. This is helpful for the child who is in crisis.

Other children and adults, however, often wonder, “What about the other kids?” This is a fair question that is prompted by additional concerns such as:

  • Is it all right for children to witness others struggling? Will it traumatize them?
  • Who will attend to and care for the children not currently in crisis?
  • Why don’t children who act out and cause disruptions have more consequences?
  • It isn’t fair that some children have more attention from the child-caring adult in charge than others.

Let’s look at how we might view these scenarios through the lens of the Circle of Courage resilience model. Throughout, the questions to the above frequently asked questions will be addressed.

Adults can prepare children in their care for these scenarios so everyone knows what they can expect—telling children what might happen, how the adult will respond, how the adult will prepare them for this kind of experience, and what will happen afterward.

All children need to feel a sense of connection and belonging – no matter what. It should not depend on their willingness or ability to be a particular person. Belonging isn’t a privilege but a fundamental human right (Shalaby, 2017). Children don’t get traumatized because they are hurt; they get traumatized because they are alone with that hurt (Mate, 2021).

A script for the adult:
Everyone struggles from time to time. Depending upon what is happening in your life or what has happened, along with your ability to cope, will depend on how you respond to certain situations. This does not make you bad or good – it just is. Chances are, we will experience someone in our group having a hard time – this could be a hard hour or even a hard day. I want you to know that if that happens, I will do what I can to help that person feel better. I will not be mad at that person, and they will not get in trouble. If they are struggling – it means that they need my help. I will ensure you all have a chance to learn and practice what you can do if something like this happens. When someone is struggling, things might get loud and unstructured, but I will do everything I can to keep all of us safe. I may be able to do that independently, or I might call another adult to help me. Later, when things settle down, we will always have an opportunity to talk together about what happened if you want to. We can do that as a group or individually. Even if one of us disrupts our room, everyone will always be welcomed back when calm and settled.

We cannot assume that all children have learned to regulate their emotions and behaviors. Children must have several opportunities to learn and practice emotional awareness and regulation.  Just like learning to read and solve math problems, children must be taught skills and engage in experiences to try out what they have learned.

A script for the adult:
We will spend some time practicing techniques to help relax our bodies. We will practice different ways to slow down our breathing, close our eyes, imagine a happy memory, color designs, draw pictures, or write down our thoughts and feelings. All of us should practice how to calm ourselves down. I want you to feel good at calming yourself down, but I know this isn’t easy for everyone – it takes time and practice.

Children feel safe when they know what to expect and when they are given choices about how to respond in potentially disruptive situations.

I want you to know that this room might not feel very calm if a child struggles. However, even if it is noisy or chaotic, please know I will take care of that. I will keep my voice even and stay in control.  You can do what you need to do for yourself and others around you. Maybe you will try one of the relaxation techniques we practice. You may find that you want to go out into the hallway; you can do that; please stay close to the wall by our room. You may find that you want to put your head down on your desk, which is all right, too. Maybe you will want to sit with one of your friends. You have a choice about how best to take care of yourself.

I know it might not seem fair for those of you who are not disruptive and stay calm most of the time – you might think, why don’t you spend so much time with me, or why doesn’t that person get into more trouble? I understand why you may feel that way. Nevertheless, I have learned that what is fair is not always equal – some of us need more support than others. You know, I would need a lot of support picking apples from a tree because I am not very tall – I might need a stool (or a ladder), but someone else might be able to reach up and pick apples easily because of their height. Is it fair that I get a stool, but the other person does not? The other person does not need a stool, silly, but I do! So, this is the same as staying calm. Some of us find it more difficult than others, so some need more support. That is how it works – if someone needs something, we try to give it to them. As far as consequences are concerned, I think that if a person has a tough time, that is enough pain, and it does not do anyone any good to make them feel worse by punishing them on top of it. I will instead help teach them to better manage a situation next time with additional strategies and practice. I will support them.

We all have difficulty managing our emotions and behavior occasionally. This can be especially difficult when going through a particularly stressful time or have a history of very stressful experiences in our lives. We feel valuable when we can have empathy for and provide support to others.

A script for the adult:
Try to understand that the person struggling is not trying to be “bad,” but rather, they cannot manage their emotions and behavior and need help. You may find that you want to be with one of your friends and find a place in our room where you can sit together while I attend to the child who needs me, and if that is the case, please join your friend. If you are someone who feels good about your ability to calm yourself down and you find others having a hard time with what is happening in the room, please help your friends if they need support. I appreciate that we will all look out for one another.

There are no “other kids”; there are all kids. Providing unconditional connection and belonging, tools to help children manage their behavior and emotions, the agency to make choices when faced with difficult situations, and permission to use their value to support others can empower all children.

Download your free Mind Body Skills tool now!

Shalaby, C. (2017). Troublemakers lessons in freedom young children in school. New York, New Press.
Mate, G. (2021). The Wisdom of Trauma. Zaya Benazzo. Science and Nonduality.

    Resilience I Spy

    Finding the Circle of Courage in Action

    Start the New Year with a focus on resilience by teaching your students about the Circle of Courage. Then, challenge them to eye-spy the resilience model’s components in action. 

    Circle of Courage: A Model of Resilience

    This resilience model is easy to teach students of all ages.

    We all have four universal needs. When these needs are met, we feel our best. But we will not feel our best if even one of the four universal needs is unmet. When even one is missing, we might feel sad, frustrated, worried, or angry. Let me tell you about the four universal needs. 

    The first one is Belonging – we feel good when we feel like we belong. This can be at school with friends or at home with our families. We feel connected to other people when we feel a sense of belonging. 

    The next universal need is Mastery. We feel good when we can accomplish and are good at something – this can be like solving a math problem, learning a new skill while playing a sport, or drawing a picture that makes us proud. 

    Independence is the third universal need. This need is met when we control our emotions and behavior. This doesn’t mean we don’t get upset – it just means if we get upset, we know what to do to help ourselves feel better, so we don’t lose our temper or misbehave. 

    The last universal need is generosity. We get this need met when we feel helpful and valuable to others. 

    To review, we all need to feel like we belong or are connected to others, are good at something, can stay in control of our emotions and behavior even when we are upset, and feel like we are valuable to other people.

    Offer your students an I Spy Challenge

    As a fun way to start the new year, I am challenging you to a game of eye-spy. In this game, I want you to try to notice your classmates and me when we are getting any one or more of our universal needs met or helping another person obtain one of their needs.  

    Whenever you notice the Circle of Courage in action, you can raise your hand and say, “Eye-Spy”. Then, you can tell us what you saw. For example, when a classmate greets another student when they enter the room by saying, hello, they are making that person feel like they belong. If a student helps another student learn how to solve a tricky math problem, they demonstrate mastery. When a student asks for a break instead of yelling or getting angry, they are showing us independence. And, lastly, if I ask a student to bring something down to the office for me, they are being generous. 

    Ask students to give you more examples. You can add the examples to a whiteboard, so they are easy for students to reference. Then, start the challenge. You might want to have one or two students keep track of how many universal needs in action are spotted by using a tally for each.  You can play along too. Set a goal for the class for a total number of universal needs spotted during the day. Reinforce the importance of all students getting their universal needs met to feel their best. When all students are aware of others and strive to help meet their needs, the overall classroom culture and climate will improve. 

    Intentional Connection Over the Holiday Break

    We are quickly approaching the final days of instruction for many before schools close for holiday breaks. A lot of teachers and students are looking forward to a couple weeks of rest, relaxation, and some fun. However, breaks from school for some students bring stress. This is because when school is not in session students lack opportunities to interact with caring adults and peers, and have little or no consistency to help structure their days. This is difficult, especially for traumatized children who thrive when they experience predictability and connection.

    Why are the holidays hard on mental health?

    The holidays can be a hard on anyone's mental health. In fact, according to the American Psychological Association, 9 in 10 adults struggle with this time of year including a 41% increase in stress reported compared to other times of the year. When adults express their stress and anxiety, kids notice. While traditional "holiday stress" can include financial concerns, busy schedules, or thoughts of loved ones, this collective stress can also find it's way into our school climate as well.

    Common concerns for students around the holidays

    In between the fun of class parties, the scramble to wrap up projects, and teaching the importance of generosity during this season are several underlying concerns for our most vulnerable kids:

    • Fears of Routine Change: For some students, the structured environment of school provides a sense of security and predictability. The holiday break disrupts this routine, leading to anxiety and uncertainty. This is particularly challenging for students who thrive on the regular schedule of school days–the sudden lack of structure can be disorienting and stressful.
    • Domestic Situations: Unfortunately, not all home environments are conducive to relaxation and safety. For students facing challenging domestic situations, school is often an escape and a place of support. The holiday break can mean an extended period in an environment where they may feel unsafe or unsupported, exacerbating feelings of anxiety and isolation.
    • Financial Concerns: The holiday season often brings additional financial pressures, which can be acutely felt by students from economically disadvantaged backgrounds. The lack of access to school meals and the expectations of the holiday season can add to the stress, making them worry about basic necessities and the inability to participate in holiday activities that might require financial expenditure.

    Support Mental Health over the Holidays

    The holidays are a time of year where the felt effects of connection are incredibly important. It's also a time where we all should find the opportunity to reset.

    For those teachers and students who enjoy breaks – relish in every moment!

    • Get outside on sunny and warm(er) days
    • Connect with family and friends outside or virtually
    • Take a nap
    • Read a book
    • Catch up on movies and shows

    For those who need consistency and connection, educators might try one of two of the following strategies

    • Schedule email messages to be sent a few times over break to students who benefit from interactions
    • Invite students to a “challenge” where they write down one thing every day that made them feel happy – tell them you will check in with them after the break for a full report.
    • Take some time in class this week to create a sample “holiday break” schedule for students where they identify two or three things they will do each day (e.g., play outside, read for 15 minutes, connect with a friend).
    • Remind them that even when you do not see them in class or virtually, you are thinking about them and will be excited to see them when you both return from the break.

    How can you Create a Trauma-Informed Resilient Classroom or School?

    Step 1:  Focus on Student Resilience

    What is student resilience?

    Student Resilience is the ability to achieve positive outcomes—mentally, emotionally, socially, and spiritually despite adversity.

    To focus on student resilience, start by creating a set core of values and beliefs about the children you serve.  The Circle of Courage is a model of positive youth development based on the universal principle to be emotionally healthy, all youth need a sense of belonging, mastery, independence, and generosity.

    Circle of Courage

    What does this look like in a school?

    Belonging at school is when every student believes they are valued, seen, heard, and cared for.

    Mastery at school is when every student believes they can achieve despite their challenges.

    Independence at school is when every student believes they have the power to make decisions that will impact their own lives.

    Generosity at school is when every student believes they have a purpose for their lives that can positively contribute to the world.

    Click here for a resilience activity to help connect more with your students.

    Looking to learn more about how to do this in your classroom or across your building for all students? Reach out to Starr Commonwealth today for a personalized consultation about our training and consulting services to help ensure every child learns in an environment where they can flourish!

    learned helplessness in students child with shadow of strong person

    Learned Helplessness in Students

    Learned helplessness in students is a psychological phenomenon in which children begin to feel as though they have no control over the events or circumstances happening to them, which can manifest within in the classroom. This can lead to feelings of despair, hopelessness, and a lack of motivation. For students who are experiencing the effects of trauma or toxic stress, the signs of learned helplessness can be exacerbated even further.

    Recent research has shown that there is a strong connection between learned helplessness and trauma. Trauma and toxic stress can lead to a feeling of helplessness, as individuals may feel as though they have no control over the traumatic event that occurred, was witnessed, or perceived. This feeling of helplessness can then lead to the development of learned helplessness, as individuals begin to believe that they are unable to change or improve their circumstances.

    How to overcome learned helplessness in the classroom

    Teachers should look for several signs of learned helplessness in students in order to identify who may be struggling. Some of the signs that teachers should look for include (and how to help the child):

    • Lack of motivation: Students who have learned helplessness may lack motivation and engagement in the classroom. They may avoid participating in class discussions or completing homework assignments. Try breaking work into smaller “bite-sized” pieces that you’re confident the student can achieve, or work with the student to find a method or platform for participation that ensures both the student’s sense of safety and an accurate representation of the student’s learning.
    • Low self-esteem: Students with learned helplessness may have low self-esteem and a negative self-image. They may be critical of themselves and their abilities. Make sure to find opportunities for praise to reinforce all that the student can do well.
    • Difficulty with problem-solving: Students with learned helplessness may have difficulty solving problems and may give up easily when faced with a challenge. Establishing effective routines can be a great solution to this issue. By defining routine as wide-ranging as daily class schedules to the steps to solving math equations, we can help students perceive any situation as a series of steps to work on one at a time.
    • Avoiding challenges: Students with learned helplessness may avoid challenging tasks or activities in the classroom. They may prefer to stick to what is familiar and comfortable, rather than taking risks and trying new things. When we can understand the benefit of failure, we’re more likely to test ourselves. So, celebrate failures! [Also, the Circle of Courage’s universal need of mastery is a perfect topic to explore to begin embracing challenge.]
    • Passive attitude: Students with learned helplessness may adopt a passive attitude, and may not take responsibility for their own learning. They may also blame external factors for their failure rather than taking responsibility for their actions. This is another area where the Circle of Courage can overcome helplessness. Not only does proper development of mastery help with passive attitudes, focusing on student generosity (specifically, sharing skills with one another that can help with class activities) can build a sense of community and healthy accountability to their peers.

    It's important to note that these signs can be indicative of other issues as well, therefore, teachers should be cautious when making a diagnosis of learned helplessness in students. If you notice signs of learned helplessness in students, it's important to reach out and provide them with the support and resources they need.

    Promoting Inclusion in the Classroom through Generosity

    Promoting inclusion in the classroom is crucial for creating an equitable, safe learning environment for all students. The good news is that intentional inclusion is instrumental to being trauma-informed. The key lies within the Circle of Courage. This model for positive youth development provides four critical areas to explore, but for now let’s focus on the universal need of generosity. By focusing on and practicing generosity, we can create a more inclusive classroom, where students feel a sense of belonging, can gain mastery over the material and develop independence. In this blog post, we will explore how incorporating acts of generosity in the classroom can promote a more inclusive environment for all students.

    Strategies for inclusion and generosity in the classroom

    Effective efforts to teach generosity don’t need to be grand or complicated. When properly structured and monitored by teachers, it can be as simple as everyday group work! Help your students enrich their sense of generosity with these fun activities:

    • Collaborative Learning: Create small groups of students with diverse backgrounds (which can be as simple as their background in your classroom—what skills can you pair/group together who don’t normally interact to accomplish a challenge together?) Encourage students to share their unique perspectives and skills, and to rely on one another for support. Provide an opportunity for groups to share what they appreciated about what others brought to their team.
    • Random Acts of Kindness Challenge: Encourage students to perform random acts of kindness towards their classmates, such as leaving a positive note on a classmate's desk, offering to help a struggling student with their work, or sharing materials with someone who forgot theirs at home. Students should be intentional about helping those who they don’t regularly play or study with. Have students reflect on the impact of their actions and discuss as a class how these small acts of generosity can promote a culture of inclusion and belonging in the classroom.
    • Generosity Day: Set a day of the week where students can come in and share something with their classmates, it can be an item or a skill. Incorporating items/skills important to family traditions or cultural background can help further promote inclusion. Exit notes for the day can challenge students to celebrate their favorite contribution and what they learned about their fellow student who presented it.
    • Empathetic Icebreakers: A tried and true staple throughout classrooms, icebreakers are fun—and can be powerful tools for connection. Challenge your students by designing your icebreaking topics around opportunities for inclusion. From familial trivia to hopes and dreams for their futures, these icebreaker discussions can peel back guarded layers of students to celebrate their true selves with their peers. As students get to know each other better, the icebreakers can shift to challenge students to seek out and compliment students for their uniqueness or perhaps what they’ve noticed that student does well.
    • READ!: There are thousands of age-appropriate books to help students be more sensitive about their classmates’ lived experiences. A quick Google search for “books to teach diversity and generosity” is a great starting point.

    No matter the activity, it’s critical that teachers set up their students for success. Use your knowledge of each kid that the rest of the class might not have that will help celebrate their skillset. Afterward, always be intentional about debriefing activities to gauge what impact these activities might have on your class and adjust moving forward.

    What other activities do you find help students explore their sense of generosity through an inclusive lens? No matter your approach, the first step should always be the bond formed between the teacher and every student. You can learn more about breaking down barriers to learning and relationships through 10 Steps to Create a Trauma-Informed Resilient School.

    8 Quick Ways for Youth to Practice Gratitude

    Gratitude is thankful appreciation and acknowledgement of the goodness a person receives or experiences in their life. In positive psychology research, gratitude is strongly and consistently associated with greater well-being. Gratitude helps people feel more positive emotions, relish good experiences, improve their health, deal with adversity, and build strong relationships.

    Despite the solid research supporting gratitude, when life is challenging it becomes more natural for many of us to focus on problems; what we aren’t feeling or experiencing; things we don’t have - than it is to practice gratitude. But, intentional and simple gratitude practice will allow you and the youth in your life will reap all of the benefits being grateful has to offer.

    Notice. Simply notice when you are interacting with another person who makes you smile or feel good. This can be on the phone or other virtual platform.

    Say thank you. Verbally say thank you to others for their smile, their friendship, helping you, making you dinner, etc. Say thank you to yourself for carrying on even when you are tired, for taking the time to practice gratitude even if it doesn’t come easily.

    Write a thank you text, email or note. Take a minute or two to send a text, email or thank you note to someone who has made a positive impact on your life. Instead of just thinking about it, reach out and let them know.

    Breathe. Take one deep breath and be thankful for the air you breathe and how it fills your lungs.

    Acknowledge a positive experience. Acknowledge a positive experience by writing it down in a notebook or by telling someone about your experience.

    List your VIP(s). Make a list of the very important people in your life. You may have one or you may have many. Write down their names and be thankful they are in your life.

    One-a-day. At the end of the day, write down (or even think of) one thing that happened or one thing you experienced that made you grateful.

    Gratitude Jar. Find a jar (or box, basket, bowl) and ask your family or friends to all identify one thing or person they feel gratitude for – and add everyone’s gratitude to the jar. Once filled, take out one piece of paper at a time and everyone can share their contribution.

    Expressing gratitude is crucial for professionals as well! It is the first line of defense against compassion fatigue, vicarious trauma, and burnout. My colleague and Starr's Senior Trainer Erin Madden Reed explains this important connection in Practicing Resilience: Essential Self-Care Strategies for Helping Professionals. Watch below and follow the links in the description for the course page.

    Learn more with these offerings from Starr Commonwealth

    Building Mastery in Your Classroom

    Mastery is reaching our potential with supports. Mastery is NOT perfection.

    The second universal need according to the Circle of Courage resilience model is MASTERY. When we talk about mastery we are not talking about perfection but rather the engagement in activities and tasks with adequate supports in place to allow ourselves to feel good about both our efforts and accomplishments. We all require various levels of support to reach our unique potential. Without support, there is often frustration, giving up easily and not enjoying the learning process. This is true with new rules, academics, sports, hobbies and even social situations.
    Any person, of any age, will feel empowered and motivated when given experiences and opportunities to engage in activities that bring them connection and joy and learn new ideas and concepts that have meaning to their lives. When activities and learning are coupled with encouragement, patience and support, resilience builds.

    • When teaching in-person or in a virtual classroom, some students may need additional (or even ongoing) verbal or visual reminders about rules and etiquette.
    • Developmental age rather than chronological age should always be considered to set students up for success. If a student is developmentally more of an 8 year old than his chronological age 12, what might you modify or provide as a support to help him stay engaged in your lesson?
    • Scaffolding new ideas and concepts with a breakdown of steps helps.
    • Peer to peer or small group discussions allow for both connection and collaboration.
    • Provide real life examples in your teaching.

    What are some of the ways you offer support to your students to set them up for success? Much like the Belonging staff self-assessment, Starr Commonwealth offers an assessment to gauge how you are building Mastery in your classroom. Download your free copy below!

    Download your Mastery self-assessment

    Learn more about building Mastery in your classroom with my colleague L. Kathryn Hart in Starr's course Healing Trauma & Restoring Resilience in Schools.

    Our full Circle of Courage staff self-assessment is featured in Starr's 10 Steps to Create a Trauma-Informed, Resilient School. This resource provides the foundation to empower students, staff, and family. Not only does 10 Steps feature easy to implement steps, but includes case studies, worksheets, and behavior intervention forms. Purchase today and save 50%!
    Claim your limited time offer!

    Fostering Connections through Who I Am Worksheets

    School connectedness is a significant protective factor for all students in preventing substance abuse, violence, absenteeism, suicide emotional problems and eating disorders. Students who feel connected to their school are also likely to have better academic achievement. Now, more than ever – even in a virtual setting, child caring adults must foster connections. Connection is made through ongoing and repetitive moment-to-moment interactions school professionals have with their students. For some, the guide of 5:1 noticing is useful. Aim for at least five positive interactions to every one corrective interaction with each student per day. Noticing comes in many forms:

    • Greet the student by name.
    • Praise for participation.
    • Acknowledgment of character strengths.
    • Gratitude for kindness or helpful interactions between yourself and student or student and peers.
    • Checking-in: “How is your family doing?”
    • Friendly gesture like a wave or head nod.

    This may seem like a simple intervention strategy but it is powerful. Every interaction we have with a student matters because it provides an opportunity to promote a sense of safety and engagement.

    To take fostering connection with your students a step further, you can use the worksheet Who I Am available to download below. Students can be asked to complete this worksheet and it can then be shared in classroom meetings, office hours and small group sessions with students and their peers.

    Download the Who am I worksheet

    Fostering connections is Step 3 in Starr's 10 Steps to Create a Trauma-Informed, Resilient School. This resource provides the foundation to empower students, staff, and family. Not only does 10 Steps feature easy to implement steps, but includes case studies, worksheets, and behavior intervention forms. Purchase today and save 50%!

    Claim your limited time offer!

    More related resources from Starr Commonwealth

    Are You Building a Sense of Belonging for Your Students?

    In Native American and First Nations cultures, significance was nurtured in communities of belonging. Lakota anthropologist Ella Deloria described the core value of belonging in these simple words: “Be related, somehow, to everyone you know.” Treating others as kin forges powerful social bonds that draw all into relationships of respect. Theologian Marty observed that throughout history the tribe, not the nuclear family, always ensured the survival of the culture. Even if parents died or were not responsible, the tribe was always there to nourish the next generation.

    In the classroom, ensuring a sense of belonging for each and every student is critical for success. While this theory is easy to grasp, the reality of developing that sense of belonging isn’t always as clear. To support educators in their everyday practices, Starr has developed a simple self-assessment to help you reach your universal needs goals. Below, Dr. Soma explains the self-assessment tool in our latest Back to School During a Pandemic episode. Click below the video to download your belonging self-assessment. You can print it out, post it around your desk, and ask yourself each week how well you did building belonging!

    Download your belonging self-assessment

    Our full Circle of Courage staff self-assessment is featured in Starr's 10 Steps to Create a Trauma-Informed, Resilient School. This resource provides the foundation to empower students, staff, and family. Not only does 10 Steps feature easy to implement steps, but includes case studies, worksheets, and behavior intervention forms. Purchase today and save 50%!

    Claim your limited time offer!

    More related resources from Starr Commonwealth

    Developed by Starr’s 2nd President, Dr. Larry K. Brendtro (PhD), and his colleagues, the Circle of Courage® provides the philosophical foundation for Starr’s resilience-focused approach to working with children, families, and communities, in addition to the work of Reclaiming Youth International.