Structured Sensory Interventions for Traumatized Children, Adolescents, and Parents: At-Risk Adjudicated Treatment Program (SITCAP®-ART), is one of Starr’s SITCAP® model group programs. Developed for at-risk and adjudicated youth, this program provides Juvenile Court Systems with trauma intervention that supports the needs of adolescents exposed to traumatic incidents. The goal of the program is to reduce traumatic reactions, restore a sense of safety and power, improve the adolescent’s behavior, and ability to learn and be productive within his family and community environments. This program is included in SAMHSA’s National Registry of Evidence-based Programs and Practices.
The programs also comes with the booklets A Trauma Is Like No Other Experience and What Parents Need to Know by William Steele.
A sensory, evidence-based model for at-risk and adjudicated youth.
Authors: William Steele and Jacqueline Jacobs
Pages: 219
ISBN: 193131033.5
Publisher: Starr Commonwealth
Binding: 3-hole punched, shrink wrapped for easy access to individual pages/worksheets for duplicating to use with each client.